Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Some things you can do...

It is the little things. It all adds up, you don’t have to get rid of your new car and go out and get the newest electric vehicle. You can do small things every day that will spare the earth. And next time you really have to buy a car - do consider a hybrid vehicle or another environmentally friendly option.

Walk, run or get a ride. Saving energy, resources and the air happens little at a time. If you can, walk or take the bike to the corner-store (your body will welcome the exercise), or plan your shopping trips with a neighbor. Carpooling is easy and you also get to relax, taking turns driving. Even carpooling once or twice a week helps.

Resist that monster truck or SUV today. Yes, they are popular, convenient and appealing. But do you really feel that you need to drive around alone in a living-room on wheels? Not to mention the gas bills. However, if you are set on an SUV, Ford is developing a hybrid version that is coming out in 2003-called the Escape. It will get around 70 miles per gallon, and other car manufacturers will surely follow close behind.

Tune in, tune up! Not only will your car run better if you keep your car tuned up - it will last longer and use less gas. Be sure that the shop doing your car repairs are recycling their automobile oil.

Go to the carwash. This is an easy one. Not only will it take less time and work on your end, but most car washes also recycle their water.

Plan ahead. A little planning goes a long way. If you can avoid rush hour - do so. By sitting stuck in traffic for a long time, your car emits more pollutants than if you can drive uninterrupted from point A to B. Try to consolidate your trips - go shopping and to the post office when you are dropping the kids off at soccer practice.

Look around. Take some time and research the large automakers. Check out their alternative vehicle websites. These companies track the traffic they get, and by noting increased interest - they are going to be more inclined to invest R&D money into alternative energy vehicles.

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